MEASURE NO. 24-155
Salem-Keizer Transit District

Argument in Favor:

YES for Cherriots!

Bus service is a necessity for people who can’t drive — seniors, students and people with disabilities.

Buses provide low cost transportation for many workers. This is especially important during difficult economic times.

Buses help air quality by reducing auto emissions and help control traffic congestion.

Buses provide essential and affordable transportation throughout our community, helping people get to work, shopping and medical appointments.

Salem Downtown Association

Northeast Neighbors Association

Southeast Salem Neighborhood Association

Marion-Polk-Yamhill Central Labor Council

American Council of the Blind of Oregon

Carole Smith, Chair
Central Area Neighborhood Development Organization

Jeff Anderson Gerald (Gerry) W. Frank

Joye Camacho Paul Krissel

Jennifer Carley, R.N. Douglas M. Parrow

Norma Cochran, R.N. Tim Roark

Robert R. Coe Garry W. Rogers

Cindy Eber Daniel Rouslin

Ronald Eber Roz Shirack

Virginia Krebs Hans West, M.D.

Robert E. Krebs Kathleen M. West

                       Mary Lou Zeek

(This information provided by Ray Kelly, Yes For Cherriots)