MEASURE NO. 24-118

City of Stayton

Ballot Title:

Referred to the People by the City Council

Four Year Local Option Tax for Library, Pool, Parks Support

Question: Shall the City of Stayton implement a $260,000 operating tax annually for four years, beginning in Fiscal Year 2005-2006?
This measure may cause property taxes to increase more than three percent.

Summary: This measure may be passed only at an election with at least a 50 percent voter turnout.

The City of Stayton is seeking a four-year local option tax of $260,000 per year, beginning in Fiscal Year 2005-2006, to partially fund the library, swimming pool and park programs.

The proposed tax will offset the loss of the existing 3-year library/pool/parks local option tax passed in 2002, ending with Fiscal Year 2004-2005. An allowance is made for delinquent and uncollectible taxes. This tax would raise a total of $1,040,000 over the four year period.

Library support includes maintaining existing service levels (hours open to public) and current book and audio-visual budgets, establishes a computer replacement schedule and makes some allowance for increased staffing and books if the library is expanded.

Pool support includes maintaining existing service level and capital projects, including installation of lockers, sidewalk repairs, interior painting and a public address system.

Parks program support includes reconstructing the tennis courts, replacement of playground equipment in Pioneer Park and funding for park trails.

It is estimated that this tax will result in a rate of $.699 per $1,000 of assessed value in the first year. The estimated tax cost for this measure is an ESTIMATE ONLY based on the best information available from the county assessor at the time of estimate.

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