City of Salem BILL SMALDONE OCCUPATION: Professor of History, Willamette University (1991-present) OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Visiting Professor, Ramapo College, New Jersey (1989-1991). EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: B.S., M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Salem City Councilor (1999-present); Salem City Council President (2001-present); Budget Committee (1999-present); Youth Compact (1999-present); Mid-Willamette Council of Governments (1999-present); Youth Commission (1999-2000); Salem Joint Transportation System Advisory Subcommittee (1999-present); Revenue Task Force (1998-present) Although the local newspaper tries hard to convince people otherwise, a lot of good things are happening in Salem’s City government. There’s more consensus within the City Council than there has been in decades. Council votes are usually 7-2, 8-1, or unanimous. People like it. Since this Council took office, the number of citizens applying for city boards and commissions has quadrupled. The number of residents speaking at council meetings is rising steadily, month after month. Bill Smaldone, Mayor Swaim, and the council majority care about the needs of all of Salem’s residents. We support: Locally-owned businesses,which hire Salem residents and keep profits in the community Revitalizing downtown (this council began this effort and brought it to public attention) Full library services Environmental protection (this council created Salem’s Environmental Commission) Living wages to support working families Sidewalk installation and repair Well-maintained parks Increased police and fire protection The big issue in Salem these days is whether citizens’ tax dollars will go into developers’ pockets to fund sprawl, or be invested in Salem’s existing neighborhoods. The newspaper supports the land speculators and developers who are its biggest advertisers, and attacks those like the mayor and the council majority, who support the neighborhoods. Don’t let them fool you. Bill Smaldone and the council majority side with the neighborhoods. We believe city government should provide residents an array of quality services, with the costs distributed equitably. To protect and enhance the quality of life for all Salem’s residents, Reelect Bill Smaldone to City Council
(This information furnished by Bill Smaldone and is printed exactly as submitted.)