Explanatory Statement:


APPLICANT: Mary Foltz Revocable Living Trust

OWNERS: Mary Foltz Revocable Living Trust

DESCRIPTION: Annexation of approximately 22 acres to the City of Mt. Angel

LOCATION: Northwest and contiguous to the City limits within the Urban Growth Boundary and between North Pershing Street and Mt. Angel-Gervais Road.

The applicant, Mary Foltz Revocable Living Trust, requested the City of Mt. Angel to annex approximately 22 acres of generally vacant land located contiguous to the City limits and within the Urban Growth Boundary to the north and west of the City. The property is currently designated Low-Density Residential in the Mt. Angel Comprehensive Plan and is zoned Urban Transition Farming by Marion County. There is one pre-existing residence on the parcel. No development is proposed for the land at this time. Upon annexation the property would be zoned Residential Single Family (RS). The attached map depicts the property.

The City Council for the City of Mt. Angel decided by motion on October 11, 1999 and by Resolution No. 808 to submit the question of annexation to the voters. The City Council has not determined whether or not the proposed annexation application is in compliance with the applicable land use criteria.

State law authorized the City Council to submit the question of proposed annexation to registered voters of the City.

The annexation would generate additional needs and cost for City services. The annexation would generate additional revenues through property taxes, permit fees, system development charges, and utility rates.

Submitted by:

Roberta Huddleston, City Administrator

City of Mt. Angel

No arguments opposed to this measure were filed.

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